Our peanut allergic boy turned 9 earlier this month and it had to be the easiest birthday for me ever.
Our Giant supermarket now has cupcakes “made in a peanut free facility.” They aren’t the fancy ones with the sports rings, just fairly plain. So I expected dear son to request home-made cupcakes, just like I’d always made. Nope, he was happy with the store-bought because that is what all the kids take in for birthdays.
Son also preferred I not come in to hand out the cupcakes. So that morning after a 5 minute drive and drop off at the school office, I was done! Amazing.

His party was easy also. He and his buddies did sports for an hour at Frozen Ropes. They all got along fine had super manners. Then they had Gatorade and Papa John’s Pizza. We did make the cake for this one!
I have to admit to mixed feelings about my son’s new independence. But he is moving on and growing up and I shouldn’t be in the way.