Dr. Wood Knows

We live in Northern VA, so it is a challenging drive up around the beltway and up I95 to see Dr. Wood.  But it is worth it!

Back in the preschool years, we had been seeing a local allergist who didn’t understand why dear son was suddenly allergic to chick peas and lentils.  His very conservative advice was to avoid all legumes, including soy.  If you have had to avoid soy, you know it is very tough to do!  Out went son’s favorite bread, soy butter, McDonald’s buns, etc.

We made an appointment with Dr. Wood and waited about a year for it while still following our local allergist’s advice.  What a happy day when Dr. Wood took a medical history, studied the blood tests and told us son could have all legumes except peanuts, lupine,  chick peas and lentils!  We went out to dinner in Baltimore very happy that evening.

A few years later son reacts to peas ( with hives ) so those go on the NO list.  He is also really happy to avoid lima beans, which we all hate anyway.

Suddenly last fall, soy butter “makes his tongue itch” ( of course when we are on the way to the Kennedy Center!  Thankfully dear son was fine.)  Dr. Wood’s office puts “food with soy in the title” on the NO list.  That means no soy butter, soy milk, tofu.  We had been on a break from yearly visits with Dr. Wood, but the nurse encourages us to come back to see him.

More on this visit coming soon!

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